Monday, 8 December 2014

Winter Wondering

Black Forest beech tree

It is that time in the Black Forest when the sky is dull, heavy and grey, and the cool dampness in the air makes you want to sit for hours in front of a warm fire place.
Winter is here, dark is more prominent then light, time seems to have slowed, as well as the earth.

…..It is a time of waiting

...yet of expectation. 

Something IS to come.

ADVENT- coming, arrival

I wonder if the earth felt that kind of anticipation two thousand years ago. Did it sense an advent was upon it? That something was coming? That a Savior was to be born?

He didn’t come with the clash of loud cymbals. He arrived in a way which most people would never have noticed: poor, a refugee, a child. 

He came in the most vulnerable of ways.

"Do you see what I  see? "

If we don’t slow down…we will miss It.  

Miss what most don’t see,

Miss the message, 

Miss the small but beautiful, 

Miss what is the biggest, the paradox.

 Miss what we can’t afford to miss: LIFE. 

 Schauinsland, Schwarzwald, Germany

 "He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to those who received him, he gave the right to become children of God." 
John 1:10-12

"Wandering" in Schauinsland with good friends