Monday 20 July 2015

A place of refuge...

Bonifacio, Corsica


Taste and see that the Lord is good, blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him.

Psalm 34:8

Just woke up to the sound of birds, the bright sun streaming through the cracks of the thick wooden shutter and then the wonderful smell of this island of Corsica… a mix of rosemary, oleander, eucalyptus and the smell of the Mediterranean all in one.
I know this place… I have come here many times  on wonderful vacations since I was 13. Here the past and present are mixed together. Memories, impressions, thoughts and emotions blend and have a balm-like effect on my soul.

The Coastal beach of Palombagia, Corsica

God allows “oases” in our lives where our minds, bodies, and souls can come to a repose and sense His goodness and care for us His children.

It is so easy to doubt His goodness when the walls of certain stabilities of our life come tumbling down.  Those events can destabilize, threaten, and send me into a “quick fix” pattern, and that is the time I am faced with a choice:  to lie buried under those crumbled walls, or to stand up and see the bigger picture. My belief that God is in control and that He actually is the foundation under those walls is what gives purpose to my life.

So this morning I chose to take refuge in him and taste and see that the Lord is extremely good.  

I am here, on this beautiful island with the ones I hold the most dear… feeling his goodness through this gift of refuge….