May flower blooming in my garden in Germany |
It is May 1st today. Just sent my son Alex out the door to school
this morning. This is probably the first
time in his life he has ever gone to school on this day since May Day (May 1st)
is an official holiday in Europe. Just
sat down with my cup of tea to think about the day and let my mind wander to
other years and places where I have spent the first of May.

France: As most of
you know I grew up in France, spending 10 years of my life there (between the
ages of 6-16). In France on May 1 we
were allowed to pick the little white flower, lily of the valley, in our local
forest. We then bunched them into little bouquets and gave them to our friends
and neighbors. It symbolized a “good wish”, a “blessing” for their future. To me it was a friendly way of telling our
friends we cared about them and hoped to get to know them better in the future.
The Peters in their Austria "Tracht" |
Austria: Phil and I moved there in 1989 and lived in the
beautiful little town of Schladming for 14 years. May Day was a day the May Pole
went up in the middle of town. If I
remember correctly the custom there was as follows: the young men in town erected a 10-meter pole
with a “Tannenbaum” attached to the top.
The bottom of the pole was usually surrounded by iron rods so that the
neighboring towns’ young men could not come and cut the May Pole down in the
middle of the night. Our local boys would stand watch somewhere near the pole
on the first night. I was always glad to
wake up and see our little town’s May Pole with its beautiful Tannenbaum still
standing tall the next morning.
The German youth on their way to a "Mai-Hock" |
May 1st walk with the Canadian cousins |
Germany: In our little
area of the Black Forest, where we have spent the last 10 years of our lives,
May 1st was a “walking-hiking-biking day”. Families and friends of
all ages would head out sometime in the morning and walk or bike from one
little village to another stopping at one of the many “Mai-Hock”s (an outdoor
local community food/ beer “fest”) on the way.
A time to get outdoors, enjoy nature and meet up with the neighbors whom
you might not have seen all winter.
Phil and I biking up the Blauen |
All great memories that bring a big warm smile to my face…
A May visit with friends |
So yes, I’m sitting here a little home sick for Europe, for
some of you, my dear friends, and those customs that have been part of my
On the other hand I realize how
rich and privileged I have been to experience such diversity and different ways
cultures choose to celebrate life, friendship, new beginnings, creation… There
seems to be in all of us, no matter which country and culture we are from, a
desire for traditions that connect our lives with others around us and the creation
that God has put us in. I want to embrace this connecting, to see God’s
imprints in it and enjoy it to its fullest.
I am also enjoying experiencing new customs, here on the Canadian
prairies, in Congo, hopefully some day in South Africa, and who knows where
else … !
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