Friday 22 November 2013

Time for creativity...

Before we left Germany this summer I had been seeing a chiropractor for pain in my lower back.  Out of the blue she asked me:  "Do you have time to exercise your creative side? "

This got me thinking...
I guess I have always managed to be creative in some way or another; through music, ideas with different project ( starting schools, women's ministries), etc.., but the "hands on" creative side has definitely been put on the back burner these last years.
So here in Canada I have a friends who seems to pull the creativity out of everyone she spend times with.
Spent a wonderful afternoon with her yesterday crocheting snow flakes for a Christmas garland, drinking hot chocolate, and looking out of her sun room window at the beautiful snow landscape.
I went home and after supper put on my granny glasses and kept working on my "new project". My guys at home didn't recognize the "new me".
Thank you Valrae!

 Who knows, maybe this will be better therapy than a chiropractor!

Starting out...

Creative Valrea and her apprentise :-)

1 comment:

  1. I know that side of me has been neglected over these years I have worked outside of the home. Just the other night while attempting to fall asleep I was imagining having a "sewing class" with my granddaughters and teaching them various stitches and doing little projects with them. I guess I am missing that part of my life that was so active for many years.
